K-12 EduView
What is K-12 EduView?
Districts face huge challenges with duplicated data entry, data scattered among multiple locations, lack of customized reports and the inability to generate reports based on data from multiple systems. K-12 EduView is the next generation of efficiency and reporting to solve all these problems. It is a fully customizable district data warehouse, data dashboard and reporting system.

K-12 EduView seeks to make data easier for everybody. Using the built-in Zone Integration Server (ZIS), all of your SIF compliant applications are automatically updated in real-time. Using alternative functionality, non SIF compliant applications, or applications that do not have a SIF agent may also be updated automatically to avoid duplicated data entry.

The integrated data warehouse allows pulling unique data from all systems into a centralized location. The data sources may be your SIF Zone, MS SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, MS Access, Firebird, Excel, .csv files, or any other OLE/ODBC system. Utilizing this central repository, we can generate unlimited views of the data via dashboards and reports.

Some dashboard systems may be based on stale data, such as periodically compiled and uploaded state reporting data, which renders them ineffective. K-12 EduView uses the most current data possible to make reporting powerful and effective.

  • Web based system accessible from any tablet, PC, laptop, or tablet with current browser
  • Zone Integration Server supporting SIF versions 1.5 through 2.6
  • Ability to create SIF messages for Student Information Systems without a SIF agent
  • Transfer data to/from any district controlled systems
  • Role based data dashboard and reporting system
  • Active Directory integrated login for dashboard and reporting
  • Configure single click login to other web-based systems such as Student Information System
  • Automatically generate export files for use in other systems
  • Parent/guardian portal allowing them to view data for their students
  • Student login to allow viewing own record

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